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Geographic Terminology 0002   Difficult

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1. What processes have produced virtually all the Earth's topographic depressions?

2. What does the geographic term "ria" mean?
Funnel-shaped estuary
Isolated pedestal of sea rock
Lava cave
Saline flat

A ria is formed by the submergence of a river valley, often after glacial melting

3. Where do Tundra climates usually occur?
Between 50 and 65 degrees latitude
Between 55 and 70 degrees latitude
Between 60 and 75 degrees latitude
Between 65 and 80 degrees latitude

4. A valley formed by crustal shortening is known as what?
Raft Valley
Ramp Valley
Reft Valley
Rift Valley

Crustal shortening is the opposite process to that which forms rift valleys

5. What name is given to a piedmont that consists of multiple coalescing alluvial fans?

6. What are talus caves?
Chambers scoured by wind action
Tunnels near the snouts of glaciers
Openings between boulders
Sea caves formed by wave action

7. What is the Kuroshio?
A trench in the Pacific Ocean
A cold dry wind
A tidal bore
The boundary of an ocean current

The western boundary current in the Pacific Ocean that produces both warm and cold rings

8. Of what is the Hawaiian-Emperor chain the best displayed example?
Aseismic ridge
Chain of abyssal hills
Chain of flat-topped seamounts
Oceanic spreading centre

9. An area of relatively shallow water separated from open marine conditions by a barrier is known as what?
A lake
A loch
A lagoon
A lacrosse

10. What is a large expanse of flat elevated terrain called?
Continental shelf

A continental shelf is that part of the ocean floor nearest a significant landmass

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