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Entertainment News 0004   Mixed

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1. Which comedian began hosting his Comedy Roadshow on TV in June 2009?
Frankie Boyle
Dave Gorman
Sean Lock
Michael McIntyre

The first show came from Edinburgh on 6th June

2. Released in June 2009, what is the subtitle of the latest Transformers film?
Revenge of the Fallen
Revenge of the Humans
Revenge of the Machines
Revenge of the Mutants

3. In June 2009 ITV surprisingly announced it was cancelling which popular series?

4. What is the title of the Paulo Nutini album that topped the UK charts in June 2009?
Over Easy
Sunny Side Up

It replaced Eminem's Relapse in top spot

5. Which TV judge did The Sun tell to Foxtrot Oscar in June 2009?
Simon Cowell
Len Goodman
Piers Morgan
Arlene Phillips

The BBC were reportedly looking for someone younger on the next series of Strictly Come Dancing

6. Bob Bogle, who died in June 2009, was a member of which instrumental rock group?
B Bumble and the Stingers
Johnny and the Hurricanes
The Piltdown Men
The Ventures

He formed the group with Don Wilson in Tacoma, Washington in 1958

7. In June 2009 BBC Radio 2 began broadcasting a reading of the book Adolf Hitler - My Part in his Downfall, written by whom?
Ben Elton
Stephen Fry
Paul Merton
Spike Milligan

8. Freddie Fisher, a housemate on the 2009 series of Big Brother, legally changed his name to what to appear on the show?

9. Which actress undertook an operation to have a knee replaced in June 2009?
Roseanne Barr
Jane Fonda
Teri Garr
Susan Sarandon

10. What is the title of the TV drama series launched in June 2009 that follows the lives of three soldiers serving in Iraq?

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