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Coronation Street 0001   Medium

Rearrange these Coronation Street characters into the order in which they first appeared, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Ken Barlow
  • 2: Deirdre Barlow
  • 3: Steve McDonald
  • 4: Chesney Battersby-Brown
  • 5: Eileen Grimshaw
  • 6: David Platt
  • 7: Roy Cropper
  • 8: Emily Bishop
  • 9: Audrey Roberts
  • 10: Kevin Webster
Correctly ordered list

1: Ken Barlow 1960
2: Emily Bishop 1961
3: Deirdre Barlow 1972
4: Audrey Roberts 1979
5: Kevin Webster 1983
6: Steve McDonald 1989
7: David Platt 1990
8: Roy Cropper 1995
9: Eileen Grimshaw 2000
10: Chesney Battersby-Brown 2003

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