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Doctor Who 0001   Easy

Rearrange these actors into the order in they played the Doctor, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Colin Baker
  • 2: Peter Davison
  • 3: David Tennant
  • 4: Jon Pertwee
  • 5: Patrick Troughton
  • 6: Christopher Eccleston
  • 7: Sylvester McCoy
  • 8: William Hartnell
  • 9: Tom Baker
  • 10: Paul McGann
Correctly ordered list

1: William Hartnell 1963-1966
2: Patrick Troughton 1966-1969
3: Jon Pertwee 1970-1974
4: Tom Baker 1974-1981
5: Peter Davison 1982-1984
6: Colin Baker 1984-1986
7: Sylvester McCoy 1987-1989
8: Paul McGann 1996
9: Christopher Eccleston 2005
10: David Tennant 2005-

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