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Most Wickets in Test Cricket 0001   Mixed

Rearrange these Test cricketers into the order of the number of wickets taken as at 1 February 2007, beginning with the highest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Wasim Akram
  • 2: Glenn McGrath
  • 3: Shane Warne
  • 4: Shaun Pollock
  • 5: Kapil Dev
  • 6: Courtney Walsh
  • 7: Curtly Ambrose
  • 8: Anil Kumble
  • 9: Richard Hadlee
  • 10: Muttiah Muralitharan
Correctly ordered list

1: Shane Warne 708
2: Muttiah Muralitharan 674
3: Glenn McGrath 563
4: Anil Kumble 542
5: Courtney Walsh 519
6: Kapil Dev 434
7: Richard Hadlee 431
8: Wasim Akram 414
9: Curtly Ambrose 405
10: Shaun Pollock 403

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