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European Cup Winners 0001   Easy

Rearrange these Football Clubs into the order of the year in which they first won the European Cup, with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Ajax
  • 2: Bayern Munich
  • 3: Real Madrid
  • 4: Inter Milan
  • 5: Manchester United
  • 6: Benfica
  • 7: Feyenoord
  • 8: Nottingham Forest
  • 9: AC Milan
  • 10: Celtic
Correctly ordered list

1: Real Madrid 1956
2: Benfica 1961
3: AC Milan 1963
4: Inter Milan 1964
5: Celtic 1967
6: Manchester United 1968
7: Feyenoord 1970
8: Ajax 1971
9: Bayern Munich 1974
10: Nottingham Forest 1979

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