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Wimbledon Men's Singles 0001   Mixed

List these tennis players in the order in which they last won the Wimbledon men's singles title, with the most recent at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Pat Cash
  • 2: Roger Federer
  • 3: Rod Laver
  • 4: Lleyton Hewitt
  • 5: Andre Agassi
  • 6: Pete Sampras
  • 7: Neale Fraser
  • 8: Roy Emerson
  • 9: Stefan Edberg
  • 10: Michael Stich
Correctly ordered list

1: Roger Federer 2007
2: Lleyton Hewitt 2002
3: Pete Sampras 2000
4: Andre Agassi 1992
5: Michael Stich 1991
6: Stefan Edberg 1990
7: Pat Cash 1987
8: Rod Laver 1969
9: Roy Emerson 1965
10: Neale Fraser 1960

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