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BBC Sports Personality of the Year 0001   Difficult

List these sports stars in the order in which they first won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Virginia Wade
  • 2: Bobby Moore
  • 3: Paul Gascoigne
  • 4: Stirling Moss
  • 5: Henry Cooper
  • 6: Brendan Foster
  • 7: Sebastian Coe
  • 8: Nigel Mansell
  • 9: Steve Ovett
  • 10: Christopher Chataway
Correctly ordered list

1: Christopher Chataway 1954
2: Stirling Moss 1961
3: Bobby Moore 1966
4: Henry Cooper 1967
5: Brendan Foster 1974
6: Virginia Wade 1977
7: Steve Ovett 1978
8: Sebastian Coe 1979
9: Nigel Mansell 1986
10: Paul Gascoigne 1990

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