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UK Restaurant Chains 0001   Difficult

Rearrange these restaurant chains into the order in which they began operating in the UK, with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Beefeater
  • 2: La Tasca
  • 3: Brewers Fayre
  • 4: Wagamama
  • 5: Pizza Express
  • 6: Frankie & Benny's
  • 7: Little Chef
  • 8: Prezzo
  • 9: McDonald's
  • 10: Harry Ramsden's
Correctly ordered list

1: Harry Ramsden's 1928
2: Little Chef 1958
3: Pizza Express 1965
4: Beefeater 1970
5: McDonald's 1974
6: Brewers Fayre 1980
7: Wagamama 1992
8: La Tasca 1993
9: Frankie & Benny's 1995
10: Prezzo 2000

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