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UK Prime Ministers 0001   Mixed

Rearrange this list of prime ministers into the order in which they first took up office, beginning with the earliest first
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: William Ewart Gladstone
  • 2: David Lloyd George
  • 3: Spencer Perceval
  • 4: Sir Anthony Eden
  • 5: William Pitt the Younger
  • 6: Neville Chamberlain
  • 7: Sir Robert Walpole
  • 8: Alec Douglas-Home
  • 9: The Duke of Wellington
  • 10: Stanley Baldwin
Correctly ordered list

1: Sir Robert Walpole 1721
2: William Pitt the Younger 1783
3: Spencer Perceval 1809
4: The Duke of Wellington 1828
5: William Ewart Gladstone 1868
6: David Lloyd George 1916
7: Stanley Baldwin 1923
8: Neville Chamberlain 1937
9: Sir Anthony Eden 1955
10: Alec Douglas-Home 1963

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