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UK Home Secretaries 0001   Difficult

Rearrange this list of UK Home Secretaries into the order in which they took up office, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Jacqui Smith
  • 2: Michael Howard
  • 3: Jack Straw
  • 4: Kenneth Clarke
  • 5: John Reid
  • 6: Douglas Hurd
  • 7: David Blunkett
  • 8: David Waddington
  • 9: Charles Clarke
  • 10: Kenneth Baker
Correctly ordered list

1: Douglas Hurd 1985
2: David Waddington 1989
3: Kenneth Baker 1990
4: Kenneth Clarke 1992
5: Michael Howard 1993
6: Jack Straw 1997
7: David Blunkett 2001
8: Charles Clarke 2004
9: John Reid 2006
10: Jacqui Smith 2007

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