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US Presidents 0001   Easy

Arrange these US presidents into the order in which they first took office, with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Jimmy Carter
  • 2: Abraham Lincoln
  • 3: Ulysses S Grant
  • 4: Theodore Roosevelt
  • 5: Thomas Jefferson
  • 6: Benjamin Harrison
  • 7: George Washington
  • 8: Franklin D Roosevelt
  • 9: Richard Nixon
  • 10: John Adams
Correctly ordered list

1: George Washington 1789
2: John Adams 1797
3: Thomas Jefferson 1801
4: Abraham Lincoln 1861
5: Ulysses S Grant 1869
6: Benjamin Harrison 1889
7: Theodore Roosevelt 1901
8: Franklin D Roosevelt 1933
9: Richard Nixon 1969
10: Jimmy Carter 1977

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