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Plants and Animals

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Cereal Crops 0001   Mixed

Rearrange these cereal crops into the order of their 2006 production, with the highest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Buckwheat
  • 2: Oats
  • 3: Rice
  • 4: Sorghum
  • 5: Millets
  • 6: Maize
  • 7: Barley
  • 8: Rye
  • 9: Quinoa
  • 10: Wheat
Correctly ordered list

1: Maize 695,287,651 metric tons
2: Rice 634,575,804 metric tons
3: Wheat 605,256,883 metric tons
4: Barley 138,704,379 metric tons
5: Sorghum 56,525,765 metric tons
6: Millets 31,783,428 metric tons
7: Oats 23,106,021 metric tons
8: Rye 13,265,177 metric tons
9: Buckwheat 2,365,158 metric tons
10: Quinoa 58,989 metric tons

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