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Holiday Destinations

Holiday Destinations

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UK Areas for Overseas Visitors 0001   Easy

Rearrange these areas into the order of the number of overseas visitors in 2005, with the most popular at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Oxfordshire
  • 2: Lothian (Edinburgh, etc)
  • 3: Greater Glasgow
  • 4: Surrey
  • 5: Manchester
  • 6: London
  • 7: West Midlands
  • 8: Cambridgeshire
  • 9: Kent
  • 10: East Sussex
Correctly ordered list

1: London 13,893,000
2: Lothian (Edinburgh, etc) 1,199,000
3: Manchester 1,079,000
4: West Midlands 1,007,000
5: Kent 792,000
6: Greater Glasgow 775,000
7: Surrey 691,000
8: East Sussex 577,000
9: Cambridgeshire 573,000
10: Oxfordshire 557,000

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