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EastEnders 0001   Easy

Rearrange these EastEnders characters into the order of the year of their first appearance, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Tiffany Mitchell
  • 2: Ian Beale
  • 3: Keith Miller
  • 4: Minty Peterson
  • 5: Beppe di Marco
  • 6: Cindy Beale
  • 7: Roy Evans
  • 8: Patrick Trueman
  • 9: Bradley Branning
  • 10: Ronnie Mitchell
Correctly ordered list

1: Ian Beale 1985
2: Cindy Beale 1988
3: Roy Evans 1994
4: Tiffany Mitchell 1995
5: Beppe di Marco 1998
6: Patrick Trueman 2001
7: Minty Peterson 2002
8: Keith Miller 2004
9: Bradley Branning 2006
10: Ronnie Mitchell 2007

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