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Ealing Comedy Films 0001   Difficult

Rearrange these Ealing comedy films into the order of their date of UK release, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Passport to Pimlico
  • 2: The Titfield Thunderbolt
  • 3: Barnacle Bill
  • 4: The Ladykillers
  • 5: The Maggie
  • 6: A Run for Your Money
  • 7: Hue and Cry
  • 8: The Man in the White Suit
  • 9: Whisky Galore!
  • 10: The Lavender Hill Mob
Correctly ordered list

1: Hue and Cry Feb 1947
2: Passport to Pimlico Apr 1949
3: Whisky Galore! Jun 1949
4: A Run for Your Money Nov 1949
5: The Lavender Hill Mob Jun 1951
6: The Man in the White Suit Aug 1951
7: The Titfield Thunderbolt Mar 1953
8: The Maggie Feb 1954
9: The Ladykillers Dec 1955
10: Barnacle Bill Jan 1956

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