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The Archers Characters 0001   Difficult

Rearrange this list of former Archers characters into the order in which they were killed off by the scriptwriters, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Doris Archer
  • 2: Janet Tregorran
  • 3: Nelson Gabriel
  • 4: Grace Archer
  • 5: Waler Gabriel
  • 6: Mark Hebden
  • 7: Jack Archer
  • 8: Bob Larkin
  • 9: Martha Woodford
  • 10: Dan Archer
Correctly ordered list

1: Grace Archer 1955
2: Bob Larkin 1957
3: Janet Tregorran 1963
4: Jack Archer 1972
5: Doris Archer 1980
6: Dan Archer 1986
7: Waler Gabriel 1988
8: Mark Hebden 1994
9: Martha Woodford 1996
10: Nelson Gabriel 2001

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