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Carry On Films 0001   Medium

Rearrange these Carry On films into the order of their date of release, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Carry On Sergeant
  • 2: Carry On Dick
  • 3: Carry On Henry
  • 4: Carry On Cruising
  • 5: Carry On Constable
  • 6: Carry On up the Khyber
  • 7: Carry On Screaming
  • 8: Carry On Spying
  • 9: Carry On Doctor
  • 10: Carry On Columbus
Correctly ordered list

1: Carry On Sergeant 1958
2: Carry On Constable 1960
3: Carry On Cruising 1962
4: Carry On Spying 1964
5: Carry On Screaming 1966
6: Carry On Doctor 1967
7: Carry On up the Khyber 1968
8: Carry On Henry 1971
9: Carry On Dick 1974
10: Carry On Columbus 1992

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