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UK Charities by Income 0001   Difficult

Rearrange these UK charities into the order of their income in 2006, beginning with the highest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Charities Aid Foundation
  • 2: Wellcome Trust
  • 3: Allchurches Trust Ltd
  • 4: The Arts Council England
  • 5: The British Council
  • 6: Cancer Research UK
  • 7: Oxfam
  • 8: The National Trust
  • 9: Anchor Trust
  • 10: Nuffield Hospitals
Correctly ordered list

1: Nuffield Hospitals 526,200,000
2: The British Council 517,500,000
3: Allchurches Trust Ltd 468,800,000
4: Cancer Research UK 423,400,000
5: The Arts Council England 378,700,000
6: The National Trust 337,200,000
7: Wellcome Trust 324,400,000
8: Oxfam 310,500,000
9: Charities Aid Foundation 272,300,000
10: Anchor Trust 252,800,000

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