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UK Charities by Year of Foundation 0001   Easy

Rearrange these UK charities by order of the year they were founded, with the earliest at the top of
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Oxfam
  • 2: St John Ambulance
  • 3: Macmillan Cancer Support
  • 4: RSPB
  • 5: Mencap
  • 6: NSPCC
  • 7: Citizens Advice
  • 8: RSPCA
  • 9: Salvation Army
  • 10: Guide Dogs for the Blind
Correctly ordered list

1: RSPCA 1824
2: Salvation Army 1865
3: St John Ambulance 1877
4: NSPCC 1884
5: RSPB 1889
6: Macmillan Cancer Support 1911
7: Guide Dogs for the Blind 1934
8: Citizens Advice 1939
9: Oxfam 1942
10: Mencap 1946

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