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Steel Producing Countries 0001   Medium

Rearrange these countries into the order of the amount of steel produced in 2006, with the highest producer at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: China
  • 2: Ukraine
  • 3: Germany
  • 4: Russia
  • 5: India
  • 6: Japan
  • 7: Brazil
  • 8: United States
  • 9: Italy
  • 10: South Korea
Correctly ordered list

1: China 422.7 million tonnes
2: Japan 116.2 million tonnes
3: United States 98.6 million tonnes
4: Russia 70.8 million tonnes
5: South Korea 48.5 million tonnes
6: Germany 47.2 million tonnes
7: India 44.0 million tonnes
8: Ukraine 40.9 million tonnes
9: Italy 31.6 million tonnes
10: Brazil 30.9 million tonnes

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