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US Presidential Pets 0001   Medium

List these pets in the order in which their presidential owners were in office, with the most recent at the top
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Tex and Leprechaun, ponies
  • 2: Major, German Shepherd
  • 3: Socks the cat
  • 4: Liberty, Golden Retriever
  • 5: Yuki, Mongrel
  • 6: Patrick, Irish Wolfhound
  • 7: Rex, Cavalier King Charles
  • 8: Billy, pigmy hippo
  • 9: Spot Fetcher, English Springer
  • 10: Dick, Mockingbird
Correctly ordered list

1: Spot Fetcher, English Springer George W Bush 2001-
2: Socks the cat Bill Clinton 1993-2001
3: Rex, Cavalier King Charles Ronald Reagan 1981-1989
4: Liberty, Golden Retriever Gerald Ford 1974-1977
5: Yuki, Mongrel Lyndon B Johnson 1963-1969
6: Tex and Leprechaun, ponies John F Kennedy 1961-1963
7: Major, German Shepherd F D Roosevelt 1933-1945
8: Patrick, Irish Wolfhound Herbert Hoover 1929-1933
9: Billy, pigmy hippo Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929
10: Dick, Mockingbird Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809

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