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Opera Houses by Seating Capacity 0001   Difficult

Rearrange these opera houses by order of their seating capacity, beginning with the largest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Metropolitan, New York
  • 2: Dorothy Chandler Pavilion,LA
  • 3: Civic, Chicago
  • 4: War Memorial, San Francisco
  • 5: Arena di Verona
  • 6: Music Hall, Cincinnati
  • 7: Civic Theatre, San Diego
  • 8: Music Hall, Dallas
  • 9: NHK Hall, Tokyo
  • 10: Hummingbird Centre, Toronto
Correctly ordered list

1: Arena di Verona 15,000
2: Metropolitan, New York 3,800
3: NHK Hall, Tokyo 3,677
4: Civic, Chicago 3,563
5: Music Hall, Cincinnati 3,516
6: Music Hall, Dallas 3,420
7: War Memorial, San Francisco 3,176
8: Hummingbird Centre, Toronto 3,167
9: Dorothy Chandler Pavilion,LA 3,089
10: Civic Theatre, San Diego 2,992

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