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Climate and Weather 0003   Difficult

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1. Approximately how fast does a snowflake fall?
1 metre a second
5 metres a second
10 metres a second
20 metres a second

About 3.6 kilometres per hour

2. What is a gyre?
A very dense fog
A torrential downpour of rain
A giant, oceanic surface current
A strong wind in Polar regions

3. The most rain ever recorded in one place in a year was in India. What was the approximate amount?
Less than 500 inches
500 inches to 1,000 inches
1,000 inches to 1,500 inches
More than 1,500 inches

1,042 inches fell on Cherrapunji in 1860/61

4. What is the main cause of windy days?
The rotation of the Earth
The sea being colder than the Earth
Air moving to high pressure zones
Air moving to low pressure zones

5. What is the name given to the effect that the Earth's rotation has on water and air?
The Coriopolis effect
The Coriola effect
The Coriolis Effect
The Coral effect

6. What is the name given to a tropical storm over the Indian Ocean?

7. The topography of an area refers to what?
Its physical shape
Its weather patterns
Its climate
Its proximity to the sea

8. The last ice age covered how much of Scandinavia?
None of it
Half of it
Three quarters of it
All of it

9. What is the name given to the rate at which temperature falls as you rise through the atmosphere?
The lapse rate
The temperature deceleration
The temperature gradient
The absolute rate

10. When cold air sinks it forms an area of high pressure with what effect?
High winds
Clear skies and settled weather

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