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Philosophy 0002   Difficult

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1. The death of which philosopher in 1804 marked the end of "The Enlightenment"?
Christian Wolff
David Hume
Immanuel Kant
Rene Descartes

2. Which branch of philosophy was centred on Fichte, Schelling and Hegel?
German Empiricism
German Idealism
German Impressionism
German Insularism

3. In which year did Bertrand Russell publish "The Philosophy Of Logical Atomism"?

4. Which influential book did French philosopher Michel Foucault bring out in 1966?
Discipline And Punish
The History Of Sexuality
The Order Of Things
Totality And Infinity

5. Which philosopher produced "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" in 1690?
David Hume
John Locke
John Stuart Mill
Sir Isaac Newton

6. FH Bradley's "Appearance & Reality" helped rediscover whose dialectical method?
Arthur Schopenhauer
Friedrich Nietzsche
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Johann Fichte

Bradley's work constituted the high-water mark of the rediscovery

7. The 20th century origin of Analytic Philosophy is usually attributed to whose work?
A N Whitehead
Bertrand Russell
G E Moore
John Dewey

Moore's "Principia Ethica" of 1903 is regaded as influential

8. Logical Positivism was developed in the early 1920s by intellectuals from where?

Der Wiener Kreis (The Vienna Circle) was the association responsible

9. At what age was the philosopher Aristotle accepted as a member of The Academy?

10. Which philosopher wrote "Critique Of Dialectical Reason" in 1960?
Gilbert Ryle
Jean-Paul Sartre
JL Austin
Karl Jespers

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