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Plants and Animals

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Heaviest Sharks 0001   Difficult

Rearrange these sharks into the order of the heaviest recorded specimens, beginning with the heaviest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Great white shark
  • 2: Thresher shark
  • 3: Six-gill shark
  • 4: Mako shark
  • 5: Grey nurse shark
  • 6: Greenland shark
  • 7: Basking shark
  • 8: Tiger shark
  • 9: Whale shark
  • 10: Great hammerhead shark
Correctly ordered list

1: Whale shark 67,240lb
2: Basking shark 20,410lb
3: Great white shark 7,731lb
4: Greenland shark 2,224lb
5: Tiger shark 2,043lb
6: Great hammerhead shark 1,889lb
7: Six-gill shark 1,327lb
8: Grey nurse shark 1,243lb
9: Mako shark 1,221lb
10: Thresher shark 1,097lb

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