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Blue Peter Pets 0001   Mixed

Rearrange these Blue Peter into the order in which they first appeared on the program, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Patch, mixed breed dog
  • 2: Jack, tabby cat
  • 3: Jason, Seal Point Siamese cat
  • 4: George, Tortoise
  • 5: Shep,Border Collie
  • 6: Freda, tortoise
  • 7: Lucy, Golden Retriever
  • 8: Petra, mixed breed dog
  • 9: Goldie, Golden Retriever
  • 10: Shelley, tortoise
Correctly ordered list

1: Petra, mixed breed dog 1962-1977
2: Freda, tortoise 1963-1979
3: Jason, Seal Point Siamese cat 1964-1976
4: Patch, mixed breed dog 1965-1971
5: Shep,Border Collie 1971-1987
6: Jack, tabby cat 1976-1986
7: Goldie, Golden Retriever 1978-1986
8: George, Tortoise 1982-2004
9: Lucy, Golden Retriever 1998-
10: Shelley, tortoise 2004-

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