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Board Games by Year of Introduction 0001   Difficult

Rearrange these board games into the order in which they were introduced, beginning with the earliest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: Trivial Pursuit
  • 2: Subbuteo
  • 3: Monopoly
  • 4: Pictionary
  • 5: Mouse Trap
  • 6: Scrabble
  • 7: Cluedo
  • 8: Dungeons & Dragons
  • 9: Risk
  • 10: Mastermind
Correctly ordered list

1: Monopoly 1934
2: Scrabble 1938
3: Subbuteo 1947
4: Cluedo 1948
5: Risk 1957
6: Mouse Trap 1963
7: Mastermind 1970
8: Dungeons & Dragons 1974
9: Trivial Pursuit 1979
10: Pictionary 1985

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