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Food and Drink

Food and Drink

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Egg Consumption 0001   Difficult

Rearrange these countries into the order of their daily per capita consumption of eggs in 2004, with the highest at the top
Correct answers are shown on the right
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Randomly ordered list

  • 1: France
  • 2: Denmark
  • 3: Netherlands
  • 4: China
  • 5: USA
  • 6: Japan
  • 7: Belgium
  • 8: Hungary
  • 9: Paraguay
  • 10: Brunei
Correctly ordered list

1: Denmark 61.19g
2: Netherlands 52.58g
3: Japan 52.25g
4: China 48.29g
5: Hungary 47.83g
6: Brunei 47.61g
7: France 46.69g
8: USA 46.62g
9: Paraguay 44.09g
10: Belgium 42.85g

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